Read All ABout It! Print Journalism of the 18th Century

By the 18 th century Britain was the Empire in which, "the sun never set" and so much information was available from all parts of the world that it is no wonder journalism experienced a rise in popularity. What aided the popularization of newspaper was the increase in literacy in the population as the middle class was expanding and flourishing with commerce and trade. Magazines were made for all audiences such as The Lady's Magazine or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex, Appropriated Solely to Their Amusement, Which covered women's fashions and happenings and The Gentleman's Magazine which was in print for near 200 years from 1731 to 1922, and where Samuel Johnson was first regularly employed as a writer as a parliamentary reporter. Richard Steele and Joseph Addison wrote about cultural matters in their journalistic print titled The Spectator . I find that there are similarities between The Spectator and modern day publications like ...