Locke's Lasting Influence In this week’s reading, the focus was on John Locke, and an excerpt from his Essay Concerning Human Understanding, primarily the Epistle to the Reader. In his introduction, the author explains that his essay came about through lengthy discussions with friends. He initially thought that one piece of paper would contain all he had to say about the idea, but as time went by, he found himself coming back to the subject matter and expanding what he had to say. Locke comes off as apologetic when he tells the reader that he or she may find the essay redundant or repetitive, but admits that he was not going to edit any of the content. Ultimately, Locke's Essay is a labor of love of which Locke spent many hours working on and off on over an extended period and is the result of a very personal project for the author. The author presents the idea that thoughts are all for all humans, not just those enlightened by divinity. Thoughts, ideas, concepts, and...